New house


Next Step: You should now compare your options / criteria! Click here to continue


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You should now compare your options / criteria! Click here to continue

Decision Making Workflow

1. Set a Goal
2. Compare Your Options / Criteria
3. YOUR Decision
Here you can calculate how many calculations do you need to reach a decision, based on how many criteria/options you have.
my goal
New house
Description: This one is a classic: Let's say we want to buy a house and that we are considering four options (houses) in different locations in the city. Of course, we have our own decision criteria to utilize in order to reach this decision: which house to get?

my decision options
House A
Price: 50000.00 What is this?
Description: Description of House A, such as it's address, link to an image/ad, basic description, etc
House B
Price: 80000.00 What is this?
Description: Description of House B, such as it's address, link to an image/ad, basic description, etc
House C
Price: 40000.00 What is this?
Description: Description of House A, such as it's address, link to an image/ad, basic description, etc
House D
Price: 35000.00 What is this?
Description: Description of House A, such as it's address, link to an image/ad, basic description, etc
my decision criteria
Commute Time
Measurable: Yes ('less' is better) What is this?
Description: If your main occupation is work, or a school, this one would represent a number of minutes needed to reach your most common destination from the new home.

Crime Rate
Measurable: No What is this?
Description: This one represents the neighborhood safety, distance from nearest police station, etc.

School System
Measurable: No What is this?
Description: If you have kids, you might be interested in schooling options and ratings in the neighborhood.

what's next?

You should now compare your options / criteria! Click here to continue