New car


Next Step: You should now compare your options / criteria! Click here to continue


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You should now compare your options / criteria! Click here to continue

Decision Making Workflow

1. Set a Goal
2. Compare Your Options / Criteria
3. YOUR Decision
Here you can calculate how many calculations do you need to reach a decision, based on how many criteria/options you have.
my goal
New car
Description: This is our first and basic goal (a classic). Let's say we want to buy a car in the range of $15000-$20000, and have four options (cars) we are considering. We will utilize our own decision criteria in order to reach our decision: what car to get?

my decision options
Car A
Price: 9000.00 What is this?
Description: A description of a car, such as year, model, color, etc...
Car B
Price: 10500.00 What is this?
Description: A description of a car, such as year, model, color, etc...
Car C
Price: 9500.00 What is this?
Description: A description of a car, such as year, model, color, etc...
Car D
Price: 10000.00 What is this?
Description: A description of a car, such as year, model, color, etc...
my decision criteria
Measurable: No What is this?
Description: How does the car look like (both inside and out)

Safety Rating
Measurable: No What is this?
Description: Durability, Crash Test Results, Overall Safety, etc...

Miles Per Gallon
Measurable: Yes ('more' is better) What is this?
Description: This represents the number of miles a vehicle can be driven with one gallon of gas (3.8 liters).

what's next?

You should now compare your options / criteria! Click here to continue